• europe-3416070

      Helping Hand

      Britain must be allowed to save face, and Europe must find a way to open the door to their return. All else would be a terrible mistake...
  • A Mentsh

    • Jan Bayer (c) Max Threlfall

      Jan Bayer

      The entrepreneur and humanist is the father of the German edition of JVG who provided us with generous and unstinting encouragement and support…

    • Public Domain

      Looted Art

      It’s high time for restitution procedures to be stepped up in order to ensure that art works are returned to their lawful owners, says Karin Prien…

    • Ronnie Macdonald / Wikimedia / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en

      Security has a Price

      Order of the day: Germany take its fair share of the alliance’s burden also financially, thus strengthening the European pillar in NATO...
  • Jewish Voice

    • Zeitungen

      The Indispensable Ones

      The JVG could only be born and remain in operation with the help of many idealistic friends who supported us in word and deed over the years…
  • Advertorial

    • Creating food-safe packaging from different kinds of plastics 
(c) Coca-Cola Germany

      Full Cycle

      Used plastics must not become waste – they belong back in the circular economy. The goal is a world without waste, not a world without plastic...

    • Still a Man's world
Wikimedia / Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-P046280 / Weinrother, Carl / CC-BY-SA 3.0 / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/deed.de

      Women’s Suffrage

      Jewish women activists succeeded in their struggle for female voting rights just over 100 years ago in the Weimar Republic…
  • LIFE

    • Eintracht fan "Sonny", 1959
(c) Eintracht Frankfurt  Museum

      Soccer and Memory

      Long priding itself on its Jewish roots and tradition, soccer club Eintracht Frankfurt is now beginning to confront unsavory facts from its past…

    • (c) Marco Verch / Flickr / 26775800468_cb68069011_o / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

      Investment Strategy

      Devising a profitable and durable investment strategy in times of economic slowdown is becoming increasingly challenging, says Jens Spudy…

    • Friedrich_Schiller

      Ode to Joy

      “All Men Become Brothers” – A poem made Friedrich Schiller immensely popular with the Jews promising them their integration in society at large…