
Panofsky̕s Nose

1827: “Look at that ugly dwarf! What a long nose he has…” 2011: “We found a short, gnome-like man with large eyes and a large nose… ” Sounds all too familiar? In an exclusive essay for the Jewish Voice, Gerda Panofsky brings to our attention pervading anti-Semitic [...]

Public Domain

Looted Art

It’s high time for restitution procedures to be stepped up in order to ensure that art works are returned to their lawful owners, says Karin Prien…

Still a Man's world
Wikimedia / Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-P046280 / Weinrother, Carl / CC-BY-SA 3.0 / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/deed.de

Women’s Suffrage

Jewish women activists succeeded in their struggle for female voting rights just over 100 years ago in the Weimar Republic…


Ode to Joy

“All Men Become Brothers” – A poem made Friedrich Schiller immensely popular with the Jews promising them their integration in society at large…  

Russian Girl with Compact (1928) 

VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018 / Photo: Städel Museum

The New Woman

An exhibition at Frankfurt’s Städel Museum will bring Lotte Laserstein, one of the greatest German painters of the 20th century, back into collective consciousness. Her oeuvre comprises brilliant portraits, often of women, and motifs that speak of the enthusiasm of [...]