(c) Marco Verch / Flickr / 26775800468_cb68069011_o / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Investment Strategy

Devising a profitable and durable investment strategy in times of economic slowdown is becoming increasingly challenging, says Jens Spudy…

Frankfurt is Germany’s financial hub

Wikimedia / Dontworry / (CC BY 3.0) / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.de

Decline and Way Out

Concentrating on the traditional business of financing corporations which operate internationally will lead German banks out of their current crisis…

Wikimedia / Lothar Spurzem / freely composed / (CC BY-SA 2.0 DE) / https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/de/deed.de

Garage Gold

Vintage cars are a much sought-after secure investment. Here’s what it takes to make the right choices – in addition to a top-notch car mechanic…

Wikimedia / (CC BY-SA 2.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.de

€ & $ – Close Friends?

The EU is a heavyweight – but it must join forces and step up the cohesion of its economic area to compete with the US, argues Klaus D. Oehler….


Britain must stay in Europe

“This is a nightmare. We should not have listened to these charlatans…” Hard Brexit, Chequers Deal, No Deal – what does all this mean for the people of the United Kingdom? Travelling Britain, you get a clear picture of the fears of the consequences of leaving [...]