Grant Peace to the World
“Sim Shalom” – with his new composition just released young Berlin based Israeli composer Gilad Hochman revives the tradition of synagogue music

Unfinished Business
The find of the Gurlitt art trove five years ago was a sensation. Now, a “Status Report” in the form of an exhibition leaves key questions unanswered…

As Time Flows By
A new travelling exhibition explores the many facets of the shared past and present of German-Polish-Jewish life along the banks of the river Oder…

Sunny Side Up
Israeli photographer Daniel Tchetchik captures the effect of the Middle Eastern heat on the human condition – for better and for worse...

The Seductress
Why do the citoyens of the Nation of Enlightenment who once fought on the barricades for freedom and equality vote for the populist Le Pen? A psycho-analytic portrait of Marine and the French offers an explanation…