About Us

German: Mediadaten_Tarifkarte JVG
English: Media_Kit

The Jewish Voice from Germany is intended as a bridge; it will connect Jews with Gentiles, Germany with the world. We want to communicate the long history that Jews and Germans share with each other. Our paper intends to make the dream of a new togetherness a reality. And we will keep an eye on the Diaspora and Israel. We invite all of good will to contribute to that goal. We welcome critical and constructive suggestions.

[hana-flv-player width=”320″ height=”240″ autoplay=”false” video=’http://jewish-voice-from-germany.de/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/vorstellung_der_jewish_voice_from_germany_in_der_tagesschau.flv’/]
The leading German evening TV news ‘tagesschau’ introduces the ‘Jewish Voice from Germany’


Germany's Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle with publisher Rafael Seligmann
Germany’s Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (r) with publisher Rafael Seligmann during the Berlin presentation of the ‘Jewish Voice from Germany’ Editors at work at the ping pong table

 “Thank you for raising your Voice”

Letters and emails from New York to Cape Town

I look forward to receiving copies of the new journal which I am sure is destined to play a constructive and vital role not only in its country of origin but also throughout the wider Jewish world.
Lord Weidenfeld, London

My heart felt congratulations on the publication of the ‘JVG’. I was sent to freedom during 1939 on the Kindertransport. Our family came from Berlin – I visit the city and marvel at its rebirth, not only as the capital of Germany, but possibly also of Western Europe.
John L., New York

Congratulations on producing such a thoughtful and interesting newspaper … I am lost in admiration of what you have achieved so far.

Janet Levin, editor ‘Jewish Renaissance’

It pleases me that you are offering with your publication a platform for the Jews in Germany and thereby reinforcing the contacts abroad. It is important that there is a ‘Jewish Voice from Germany’ and that it publicizes what is happening in Germany.

Jürgen Koppelin, Berlin

As the Rabbi of our small community in up-state New York, you have connected us in another way with the world outside our small environs.

Rabbi Miriam B., USA

With new things like your paper, we can not only remember the pre-Hitler vibrant German Jewish life, but also watch a new German Jewish culture emerge and grow.

Richard L., New York

For someone like me who was born in Germany, left at the age of nine, your paper is a timely link to a community which will forever be in my DNA.

Peter R., California

I have to admit that I had to wipe away some tears while reading. Rafael Seligmann touches one’s soul with this paper.

Richard G., USA

We wish you the very best for building this bridge.

Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, Toronto

Great stuff – keep on going, I will keep on reading…

Mike G., Cape Town

I think it is extremely important to re-establish a Jewish presence in countries from which Jews were expelled or excluded. .. The Jews always returned and started again from scratch and under far more unfavourable conditions than in modern Germany.

Josephine B., London

My wife and I are now contemplating a move to Berlin and I’m delighted to read your paper and see that there is a movement to continue German Jewishness. My grandfather and grandmother, and their parents, and their parents’ parents came from Berlin and so your paper helps put into context what it might mean to be a Berliner again, but mostly, to read perspectives that I cannot gain from the US.

Dean R., USA

I saw a television program about how German Jews were seen by the rest of the world. Opinions ranged from people not knowing that there are German Jews to people thinking Jews were not allowed to live in Germany to German Jews being criticized and ridiculed for choosing to live in Germany. At that stage I was wondering about how people were being educated about German Jews, I was wondering about the ‘Voice’ of the German Jew. What a pleasant surprise to have come across your website.

Sascha B., Cape Town

Enlightenment! On both sides. That’s the only way.

Madelaine L., Germany

The articles thematize exactly those subjects about which people in the US frequently ask questions. There is great interest here and also, sometimes, great and positive astonishment when I report about vibrant Jewish life in today’s Germany and about our relations with Israel. ‘JVG’ will make a major contribution in helping to make Americans experience Jewish life in Germany. Thank you for raising your voice.

Peter Ammon, Ambassador of the Federal Republic in Washington

Your newspaper is the best news I got at the beginning of this year. Best regards from Ireland.

Eduard S., Ireland

I believe that you are totally insane living in Germany!

Howard S., Pittsburgh, USA

I was most excited and impressed to see your fi rst ‘JVG’ copy and congratulations on such an excellent initiative.

Lord Dykes, London

Congratulations! Without Jews Europe is like soup without salt, and without Germany Europe would be tasteless.

Rudolf M., Netherlands

On a personal level your journal also meant a great deal to me. My mother, OBM, who was born in Berlin and who passed away three months ago, never missed an opportunity to relate to me and my daughters how wonderful and meaningful Jewish life was in Berlin before the war. How she would have enjoyed reading ‘JVG’ and noting the rebirth of a vibrant Juedische Gemeinde in the city of her birth.

Stephen G., New York

We plan to make the paper available in our library and to advertise for it in the hope that it receives the attention and large readership it deserves.

Barbara Kaulbach, Goethe-Institut, Glasgow

I just want to take a moment from my busy day and congratulate you on your new undertaking. I wish you nothing but success and hope that the community in Germany can once again blossom. Keep strong.

Eric C., New York