The Indispensable Ones

The JVG could only be born and remain in operation with the help of many idealistic friends who supported us in word and deed over the years…



ZeitungenThe Jewish Voice could only be born and remain in operation with the help of many idealistic friends, who supported us in word and deed over the years. With irresistible strength and charm, Gerd Schulte-Hillen encouraged me to bring to fruition my idea for a Jewish newspaper for and from Germany, and continued to believe in our work.
Mike Zehden was so taken with the idea of a Jewish newspaper that he went knocking on doors for us. Without his fundraising, we would not have had the start-up financing to launch our project.
Lukas Kircher lent our newspaper its face – its layout. He completed the design during an illness-related time-out. And he volunteered his labor – the success of his efforts meant more to him than any material reward.
Ilka Maria Gräfin Beust was and continues to be the heart and soul of the Jewish Voice. She was always happy to carry out whatever tasks came her way and handled them reliably and with good cheer.
Carola Piegert began as our “girl Friday”. A trained engineer, she decided to familiarize herself with the world of newspapers, and soon took charge of our entire logistics operation. Later she also handled layout and collaborated with us on refining our design. In addition to her inexhaustible talents, we benefited from her never-ending good cheer, which always brightened up our work. Her successor Richard Henschel was a perfect managing editor, always smoothing the way of our daily operations. He was followed by Paul Siebel, an artistic spirit with a technical bent. Working for us, he also acquired discipline, becoming a committed and creative managing editor while also finishing his university studies. For our international edition, we relied on a team of translators, in which Patricia Szobar and Nicolas Kumanoff deserve special mention.
Steven Althaus, a business manager from the world of finance, established our initial contact to Allianz, which became a loyal advertising customer over the years.
My friend Johannes Beermann established contact with the state government of Saxony also became an advertising customer over the years. In addition, Johannes provided me with his unceasing advice and support.
From the beginning, Louis Hagen supported the Jewish Voice with ideas and positive results. To celebrate his 60th birthday, he asked his business partners for an advertisement in the Jewish Voice as a gift. The successful banker’s chutzpah and solidarity was a help to us.
August Jagdfeld is a loyal friend, advisor and source of encouragement. In his China Club, I often met with members of the board and with business associates. This work brought me great pleasure.
Hildegard Müller served as a politician and association official, and is now a business executive. Above all, Hildegard is a good friend who provides encouragement, establishes contacts, and also offers constructive criticism. From the beginning, she has provided us with various forms of support.
Brigitte Zypries is a committed friend of Israel who promotes the relationship between our two countries. Ms. Zypries became a good friend to the Jewish Voice, and continues to champion our cause with great energy and charm.
Jürgen Kluge is not just a successful manager and well-known plasma physicist – he also provided our publication with many intelligent essays and good advice.
Matthias Machnig is a robust manager, plain-spoken friend and man of pragmatic action. Machnig was an ongoing source of support and lively debate. Political values and social responsibility are part of his DNA.
Christian Schmidt has been a friend for many years and a critical companion.
Gerd Merke has long been my best friend. A professor of law, he promotes the cause of German-Jewish understanding among his students – also with the help of our newspaper. He took pleasure in providing us with legal and other advice.
Angelika Westerwelle is a German business executive who is known for her inexhaustible energy, sharp acumen and big heart. She has long stood by our side, providing us with encouragement and unerring advice.
Carol Kahn Strauss. Born in New York City, Carol is the daughter of German émigrés who for years served as head of the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. Diminutive in stature, her willpower is exceeded only by her solidarity. With her iron resolve, Carol pushed me to launch the Jewish Voice and continued to provide us with valuable advice.
These men and women, and so many others it would be impossible to mention by name, provided us with the encouragement and support so vital to the success of the Jewish Voice. I thank them with all my heart. RS ■

Photo Credit: JVG

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