© Public Domain Wikimedia
Akademie der Künste, Walter Benjamin Archiv

Turmoils of Modernity

Exploring the writings and tragic life of Walter Benjamin, the imperfect genius of the Freudian-Marxist philosophers of the Frankfurt School…

© Librabry of Commonwealth

Promised Land

Visiting the heritage of the Templers, German Christian pioneers, living, working and thriving in the Land of Israel more than a century ago…

Nedudim 2
Gilad Hochman

The Sound of Silence

Young Israeli composer Gilad Hochman finds inspiration in the dissonances he experiences in Berlin. Exploring the narrative of eternal migration, Hochman creates an impressive body of work ranging from pieces for solo instruments to chamber music and symphonies. We introduce the innovative composer in an exclusive interview. And find out why Hochman believes that “music is the closest thing to God.”…
The Lake House, photograph by Lotte Jacobi, 1928
(c)  (Alexander Family Archive)

Soul Place

A house by a lake on the outskirts of Berlin tells the story of 20th century Germany and becomes a center for education and reconciliation…
Singer Sveta Kundish
Credit: Xenia Mushkat

Voice of Ashkenaz

Take part in the Yiddish Summer Weimar festival, one of the most intense learning experiences among Yiddish cultural events worldwide…