Mistrust Blocks Peacemaking

Remembrance and looking ahead – after a visit to Israel, a young German parliamentarian favors a new approach…

Returning Home with Deep Concern

Stephan Weil, State Premier and President of the Bundesrat, on his journey to Israel and Palestine…

Essentials for Peace and Stability

Resignation and interventionism will not ease the conflicts in the Middle East. A firm policy of reason is required…

Martin Schulz: “EU has Agreed to Impose Tough Sanctions if Necessary”

In an exclusive interview with JVG, EU Parliament President and the Social Democrats top candidate for the upcoming EU-elections speaks his mind about Ukraine, Russia, bureaucracy in the EU and boycotts against Israel…
Shale gaswell in Pennsylvania

The Shale Revolution

The U.S.’s increasing independence from energy imports bears geopolitical ramifications…