
Jerusalem favors Diplomacy

IDF spokesman cautious but optimistic on Iran

JVG: Your family is originally from Iran. How do you feel when Iran’s spiritual leader decries Israel as a ‘cancerous tumor’?

SHALICAR: It makes me sad and is horrible. Everybody [...]


Optimism and Fresh Ink

The delicate flower of democracy was first cultivated more than 2,500 years ago in Athens, Greece. In most countries, it did not take hold, in some it did, but only temporarily. Eighty years ago, a historical blink of the eye, European continental democracy imploded. [...]

At home in modern Germany: Turkish mothers on Kurfürstendamm in Berlin

Islam in Europe or European Islam ?

Is the clash of cultures on the Old Continent inevitable?

The sources of Muslim immigration to Europe are partly economic and partly a product of lack of freedom.

One can identify three major waves of immigration, different in origin, different [...]


The Systematics of the Irrational

Non-monetary criteria for economic performance

Over the past four years, we have learned that the crisis has many faces. It all began in the United States, where real estate prices suffered a massive collapse in 2008. Today, we are focused on a [...]

2012_09_06 Bild_Bild Kommentar2

Deutsch-jüdische Zukunft

Das deutsch-jüdische Miteinander ist erschüttert. Es wird von Ereignissen überschattet, die Juden alarmieren.

In Berlin wurde ein Rabbiner bedroht und krankenhausreif geschlagen. Ein Kölner Landgericht hat die Beschneidung von Jungen [...]